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Arthur Lee Obituary

Arthur William Herbert Lee

Born: August 26, 1915 - Erving, Massachusetts

Married Lucille Loretta (Helie) Lee; June 29, 1940
Died: February 1, 1971

Monadnock Cemetery - Plot: Sec. B, Lot 221 N

Children:  Loretta Ann Lee Dyer of Sanford, Maine, Hettie Marie (Lee, Podmore) Douglas of Fort Pierce, Florida, George Arthur Lee of Roswell, New Mexico, and Brian Roger Lee of Lubbock, Texas

Father: Warner W. Lee -- b. Feb 8, 1891 d. Feb 20, 1963

Mother: Linnie  Rae (White) Lee -- b. Sep 8, 1892 d. Apr 29, 1961

A loving father, husband, and son with a wonderful sense of humor..

Social Security Death Index

The Keene Sentinel

February 1971

Art Lee obituary photoArthur W.H. Lee - August 26, 1915-February. 1, 1971

Arthur W.H. Lee, 55, a former Keene resident, died suddenly Monday night, Feb. 1, in his home in Lake Hopatcong, N.J.


Born August 26, 1915, in Erving, Mass, he had lived most of his life in Keene, where he was employed by the Kingsbury Machine Tool Co. for 23 years. Since 1964 he had lived in N.J., and was employed by the Swiss Component Co. in Whippany.


His family includes his wife, Mrs. Irene (Dubruiel) Lee; two sons, George Lee of Springfield, Vt., and Sgt. Brian Lee of Laredo, Texas, Air Force Base; two daughters, Mrs. Ann Hodgdon of Ascutney, Vt. and Mrs. Marie Podmore of Gilsum; two stepsons, Sgt. Edward Curtis, stationed in Alaska, and Robert A. Curtis of Dover, N.J.; one step-daughter, Mrs. Patricia Ann Dutton of Riverside, Calif.; three brothers, Walter Lee of Winchester, Fred Lee of Albuquerque, N.M., and Robert Lee of Keene; five sisters, Mrs. Hattie Brown and Mrs. Leona Pelkey, both of Keene, Mrs. Mildred Thompson of Athol, Mass., Mrs. Dorothy Jamrog of Greenfield, Mass., and Mrs. June Symonds of Lyndenboro; 13 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.


Funeral services were performed by the Fletcher Funeral Home, Marlborough St. and Mr. Lee was interred in the Monadnock View Cemetery on February 5, 1971.

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